
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Putyinista propagandaoldal szervez tüntetést Budapesten – szúrta ki a Soroshoz köthető 444

2022. április 12. 18:29

A szervezők elmondásuk szerint nem hagyják, hogy hülyének nézzék őket.

2022. április 12. 18:29

Április 30-án Kreml-párti tüntetést szervez Budapestre az nevű orosz hátterű „híroldal” – adta hírül a Az Oroszországot – 444-es tolmácsolásban a háborút – támogató felvonulás 13 órakor indul a Hősök teréről, és az orosz nagykövetséghez tart majd.

A szervezők azt szeretnék, hogy ne érje több szankció Oroszországot, illetve kijelentették, hogy elegük van az Európai Unió, az Egyesült Államok és az ukrán kormány folyamatos hazugságaiból.

A szervezők elmondásuk szerint nem hagyják, hogy hülyének nézzék őket, és azt sem akarják, hogy kizárólag Oroszországot állítsák be rossznak a világ előtt, „csak mert 1-2 háttér hatalomnak ez az érdeke”. Az elmúlt napokban egyébként Németországban is rendeztek oroszpárti felvonulásokat.

Azt, hogy a 444 hogyan kapcsolódik pénzügyileg Soros Györgyhöz ebben a korábbi cikkünkben olvashatja el.

A nyitóképen: oroszpárti tüntetés a bajorországi Kaufbeurenben. Fotó: KARL-JOSEF HILDENBRAND / DPA / DPA PICTURE-ALLIANCE VIA AFP

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Szilvágyi János
2022. április 27. 14:12
An open letter: Dear German Goverment! Dear Mr. Kanzler Olaf Scholtz! Dear Leaders of EU! I, as an European Citizen, I Request Germany and the EU Leaders, to be careful with Zelenskij, whoo is dangreous for Europe with the lot of hyperbole wishes. In my opinion, Zelenskij is a well payed agent of Biden in order to destroy Europe economically by all means. How is possible, that Zelenskij, as a striptease dancer actor became the most first people in Ukraine? Was this the idea of Biden? Zelenskij, whoo is a confusing speaking scatman, is really good for the USA? Thats a pitty, but the answer is yes. But, not good for EU. Is Ukraine a province of Biden and Bidens son? And Europe? Is Europe a property of the USA? Are we obligated to buy the expensive shale gas, shale oil from the far oversee? This should be the only solution for EU? Even, if the gas and oil from the neighbouring Russia is cheaper and closer? Maybe, the oversee shale gas/oil for EU is perhabs a madness? You, as a Kanzler, and You as a Leader of EU, should consider, that the oil, gas, etc. sanctions on Russia are destroing Europe and the European industry, and the European economy, and will diminish the live level of the european people. Besides he, that is Zelenskij, can couse serious catastrofa for the whole Europe, or, even, for the Globe ... You have to take into consideration, that the Ukrainen-Russian conflict essentially is American-Russian conflict. America should step back, this is the interesse of EU. You should do against the limitless influence of the USA. The conflict between the USA and Russia must not be allowed. Everybody have to consider, that even also Russia, have theirs acceptable basically interesse. Everybody shall keep this. Regards,
Szilvágyi János
2022. április 27. 14:10
An open letter: Dear German Goverment! Dear Mr. Kanzler Olaf Scholtz! Dear Leaders of EU! I, as an European Citizen, I Request Germany and the EU Leaders, to be careful with Zelenskij, whoo is dangreous for Europe with the lot of hyperbole wishes. In my opinion, Zelenskij is a well payed agent of Biden in order to destroy Europe economically by all means. How is possible, that Zelenskij, as a striptease dancer actor became the most first people in Ukraine? Was this the idea of Biden? Zelenskij, whoo is a confusing speaking scatman, is really good for the USA? Thats a pitty, but the answer is yes. But, not good for EU. Is Ukraine a province of Biden and Bidens son? And Europe? Is Europe a property of the USA? Are we obligated to buy the expensive shale gas, shale oil from the far oversee? This should be the only solution for EU? Even, if the gas and oil from the neighbouring Russia is cheaper and closer? Maybe, the oversee shale gas and oil for EU is perhabs a madness? You, as a Kanzler, and You as a Leader of EU, should consider, that the oil, gas, etc. sanctions on Russia are destroing Europe and the European industry, and the European economy, and will diminish the live level of the european people. Besides he, that is Zelenskij, can couse serious catastrofa for the whole Europe, or, even, for the Globe ... You have to take into consideration, that the Ukrainen-Russian conflict essentially is American-Russian conflict. America should step back, this is the interesse of EU. You should do against the limitless influence of the USA. The conflict between the USA and Russia must not be allowed. Everybody have to consider, that even also Russia, have theirs acceptable basically interesse. Everybody shall keep this. Regards,
Szilvágyi János
2022. április 27. 14:05
An open letter: Dear German Goverment! Dear Mr. Kanzler Olaf Scholtz! Dear Leaders of EU! Is Ukraine a province of Biden and Bidens son? And Europe? Is Europe a property of the USA? Are we obligated to buy the expensive shale gas, shale oil from the far oversee? This should be the only solution for EU? Even, if the gas and oil from the neighbouring Russia is cheaper and closer? Maybe, the oversee shale gas and oil for EU is perhabs a madness? Regards,
Szilvágyi János
2022. április 27. 14:01
An open letter: Dear German Goverment! Dear Mr. Kanzler Olaf Scholtz! Dear Leaders of EU! I, as an European Citizen, I Request Germany and the EU Leaders, to be careful with Zelenskij, whoo is dangreous for Europe with the lot of hyperbole wishes. In my opinion, Zelenskij is a well payed agent of Biden in order to destroy Europe economically by all means. How is possible, that Zelenskij, as a striptease dancer actor became the most first people in Ukraine? Was this the idea of Biden? Zelenskij, whoo is a confusing speaking scatman, is really good for the USA? Thats a pitty, but the answer is yes. But, not good for EU. Regards,
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