
Békemenet after: közönségtalálkozó Bayer Zsolttal, Mráz Ágoston Sámuellel és Horváth Józseffel szombaton 18 órától

Hungary: going it alone?

2012. szeptember 24. 09:23

Does Hungary want a deal with the IMF or not? Based on the latest evidence, the answer is: Maybe, but not at the IMF’s price.

2012. szeptember 24. 09:23
Jonathan Wheatley

"The only thing clear is that Budapest’s position is on the move again. This is hardly news – Budapest has been playing hot and cold with the IMF for months. What’s new, perhaps, is the advent of QE3 and the floods of liquidity it has already unleashed on global markets.

Hungary’s government may well feel – as Quijano-Evans suggests – that market conditions are ripe for a timely eurobond issue and, with it, a cheeful snub to the IMF. That would play well to the political gallery, where Viktor Orbán seems happy to make an enemy out of the IMF – one that he would no doubt be happier still to vanquish in public.

But suppose Hungary goes ahead with a eurobond issue and market conditions subsequently change? A later deal with the IMF would not necessarily be ruled out. But investors might be a lot less sanguine about its chances of success."

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2012. november 24. 20:58
Those who have read the contract IMF made with Hungary in 1982, have no doubt if IMF is some sort of good friend... or a usurer. Why would Hungary want to owe to such organisations voluntarily? Coutries turn to IMF when they are *forced* to. IMF is just a tool to pressurize countries in favor of investor yields.
2012. október 16. 17:26
The IMF's lending rate to its member states is some 2.5 per cent below the rates at which Hungary has been borrowing money from the market to finance the country. Some "usurer".
2012. október 02. 11:19
Sir, are you saying anything? Or just murmuring? I see no point in your discussion and wonder whether you see there anything like that. Of course, the Hungarian government want to follow its economy path, its method, a method already copied by a number of countries from France and Spain to Poland and the Czech lands. Look at the IMF-countries all around the globe. NO sign of a successful IMF recipe.
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