Honest work

2012. április 12. 16:47

Last week, Hungary's President Pál Schmitt was forced to resign.

2012. április 12. 16:47
Nature szerkesztőség

„Last week, Hungary's President Pál Schmitt was forced to resign because of plagiarism detected in his 1992 PhD thesis on physical education. Tivadar Tulassay, rector of Budapest's prestigious Semmelweis University, showed admirable courage by standing up to the Hungarian establishment to revoke the thesis a few days earlier, after experts appointed by the university declared that Schmitt's thesis »failed to meet scientific and ethical standards«. Tulassay, a cardiovascular researcher, has since assumed personal responsibility for his university's decision to revoke Schmitt's title. (...)

In many central European countries, an academic title is a decided advantage for a political career; clearly, some ambitious politicians think nothing of obtaining such a title by cheating. We can thank the plagiarism hunters — whatever their individual motives — for exposing dishonesty among those who govern us, and for defending the honour of a PhD. The only safe doctorate these days is an honestly acquired one.”

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2012. április 12. 20:55
Nem a plágiumügy a borzasztó, mivel gyenge emberek sajnos mindenütt vannak, és időnként magas pozicióba is kerülnek. Teli a világ botrányokkal, eggyel több mit sem számítana. Hanem a kormányoldali maszatolás a gusztustalan. Itt a mintapélda, a 2. hozzászólás a Nature cikkhez John Doe álnéven. Ettől kapnak hányingert majd az olvasók. Bemásolom a 3.-at is, mint ténybeli cáfolatot. ------------------------------ 2012-04-12 12:29 PM John Doe said: A few remarks: 1) It wasn't a PhD, it was an old socialist scientific grade much smaller as a PhD. 2) Mr Tulassay played a political role, he hasn't right to revoke it. Court will decide. 3) It wasn't plagiarism, it was quotation, marked correctly on the end of the study. 4) Mr Pál Schmitt a honorable person, an olimpicon with two gold medal and an internationally recognized sport politician. When Nature dosn't orientating correctly, it makes worse thing, what he attributed for Mr Schmitt. It is a political game in Hungary between the old socialisten/liberals and the gowerment. Please don't help the old socialisten/liberals, it goes not over the science! ------------------------------ 2012-04-12 12:45 PM Máté Varga said: @John Doe: 1. True, but that still not stop Mr. Schmitt to sport it as a PhD degree, e.g. on the IOC website: http://www.olympic.org/he-mr-pal-schmitt 2. It wasn't Tulassay, but the Senate of Semmelweis University who revoked the title, and they had every right to do so. That was already accepted even by the minister in charge of education, Miklós Réthelyi. 3. There were no quotation marks, to start with, and no references within the text, but even accepting this laughable excuse, if you "quote" more than 197 pages of a 215 pages long thesis, then you pretty much haven't added anything new in scientific terms to the common knowledge. 4. Mr Schmitt is an accomplished fencer, no doubt. Time will judge if he was as successful of a sport diplomat as his admirers like to claim. Nature did the right thing, to through their weight behind the obvious truth.
2012. április 12. 19:41
De irigy vagyok most Schmittre: ha úgy vesszük, lett egy Nature-cikke :)
2012. április 12. 17:09
http://www.origo.hu/itthon/20120406-schmitt-pal-tevesen-szerepeltetett-phdfokozatot-oneletrajzaban.html tévesen.... megjegyzem: én öt évet szántam rá az életemből, hogy megszerezzem... ő meg tévesen...
2012. április 12. 17:09
"In many central European countries". aha, 9 német eset, meg 1 magyar, de az egész régiót képesek befeketíteni - elmehettek a legelőre ti is, ostoba angolszász tulkok.
Jelenleg csak a hozzászólások egy kis részét látja. Hozzászóláshoz és a további kommentek megtekintéséhez lépjen be, vagy regisztráljon!
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